
Lines are the most basic and intuitive object in Sark. A line in the IDA-View is a line in Sark. Let’s have a look.

>>> my_line = sark.Line()  # Same as `sark.Line(`
>>> print my_line
[00417401]    mov     ebp, esp

>>> my_line.comments.regular = "The line at 0x{:08X}".format(my_line.ea)
>>> print my_line
[00417401]    mov     ebp, esp        ; The line at 0x00417401

The sark.Line object encapsulates most of the line-relevant functions of IDAPython. Some examples include:

Member Usage
ea line’s address
comments line comments
name the name of the line (if any)
insn assembly instruction
xrefs_to cross references to the line
xrefs_from cross references from the line
bytes the actual bytes in the line

For the rest, I suggest reading the highly documented code, or using the interactive shell to experiment with the sark.Line object.

The line object contains 4 notable members: comments, insn and the xrefs_* pair.

Line Comments

The comments member provides access to all comment types: - Regular comments - Repeating comments - Anterior lines - Posterior lines

It allows you to get, as well as set comments. Each change to the comments will cause the UI to refresh.

>>> anterior = my_line.comments.anterior
>>> my_line.comments.regular = "My Regular Comment"

Line Xrefs

Provide access to Xref objects describing the line’s cross references. Xref objects will be discussed later under Xrefs.


Provide access to the line’s instructions, down to the single operand. Instruction objects will be discussed later under Instructions.

Getting Lines

There are several ways to get lines. Either directly or from other objects.

Method Effect
A Single Line
sark.Line() Get the current line
sark.Line(ea=my_address) Get the line at the given address
sark.Line(name=some_name) Get the line with the given name
Multiple Lines
sark.lines() Iterate all lines in the IDB
sark.lines(start=start_ea, end=end_ea) Iterate all lines between start_ea and end_ea
sark.lines(selection=True) Iterate all lines in current selection
sark.lines(reverse=True) Iterate lines in reverse order

Objects that contain lines, such as functions and code blocks, can return their own set of lines. See sark.Function().lines for an example.